
Daleville Institute, Inc. holds many Town Center events

Molly Henry at the Botetourt Chamber of Commerce luncheon.

Molly Henry of Fralin and Waldron spoke to the Botetourt Chamber of Commerce at the Tuesday Feb 26, luncheon at Lentinis.

One of her job requirements is promoting the Daleville Center Town Center through the Daleville Institute, Inc.

“The Town Center became a concept in 2007,” she said. “Now it has a medical complex, the Fralin and Waldron building, the Bank of Botetourt, apartments and most recently the Botetourt YMCA. There are four dining establishments on site. They include the Tap House, Tizzone, Land of a Thousand Hills and Rodeo Chico.” The Botetourt Farmers Market meets on site from May until Oct.

Construction continues on patio homes, more apartments and single-family dwellings as well as another financial institution.

Here is a summary of events for 2019 that begin as weather warms up.

Construction continues on patio homes, more apartments and single-family dwellings as well as another financial institution.

For the events schedule in 2019. Here are the highlights:

6 Thursday series. 9 Saturday series, The VA Beer and Wine Festival and 1-2 Movie Nights.

17 Charitable organizations benefit from the events. Henry said, “We distributed $51,200 to 17 charities in 2018 and hope to grow that giving in 2019!”

For more info, check out their social media sites on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram via Daleville Town Center.

–Cathy Benson, story and photo.