
Robotics team readies for weekend

Botetourt Robotics Team is ready to compete!

It used to be a school lettered subject. In a day and age when AI (artificial intelligence) is a main topic in world news, the event was eliminated on the Botetourt school level. Fortunately, 4H picked up the sponsorship and principal Jamie Talbott allows JRHS to host the group. The team is made up of middle and high schoolers. Being a 4H team made all Botetourt students– public, private or home schooled eligible.

This weekend is their first competitive event. The team has worked on the robot since Jan. 6. This past week Feb. 19 was deadline for completion and now on to competition.

The first competition is in Portsmouth and the second in Blacksburg

The team learned wiring, programming, vision systems, motors, encoders,
welding, pneumatics and other high tech under the wise eyes of mentors familiar with the processes.

One mentor, Marthe Honts said, ” We have put a great deal of time and energy into the event.” Both of her children participate and were busy designing a bumper for the robot. Hours of time has been been used in preparatioon. We have a video prior to completion on our FB page!

Here is the game animation that shows what the challenge is this year:

The robots can look and function the way that the students design.
Other than parameters about the robot concern the dimensions and weight
The team said, “Thank you to sponsors in Botetourt County who have supported us with donations, food, meeting space, building materials and most importantly their knowledge!”
Members of the team are:

Anthony Etzler, Will Johnson, Ryan Aaron,Tim Wilson,Nathan Etzler,Georgia Honts, Shannon Filer, Ian DeHaven,Catherine Amos, Logan Honts,Tucker Hensley, JJ Halsted,Mac Seebo, Silas Miller, Lucas Waid

Good Luck Botetourt robotics team! 

Cathy Benson and photo by Cathy Benson. special thanks to Paula Etzler for her assistance with this article