
Save the Dates for Lenten Luncheons at FUMC

Lent is upon us.

Fincastle United Methodist Church will hold five weekly Wednesday Lenten Services and Lunch beginning on March 13, 2019, in the Family Life Center, 137 S. Church Street, Fincastle.  These short 20 minute services begin at 12:05 p.m. and will be led by area pastors.  A home-cooked lunch will follow each service.  The service and meal is designed to last about one hour. Child care will be provided.  Takeout meals will be available.  The schedule for this year’s services is:

March 13 – Rev. David Dickerson, Fincastle Presbyterian Church, Fincastle

                        Lunch – Potato Bar, Chili, Salad, Desserts

March 20 – Rev. Tom Powers, Daleville Church of the Brethren, Daleville

                         Lunch – Chicken Salad Croissants, Vegetable Salad, Chips, Dessert

March 27 – Rev. Rob March, Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Fincastle

                          Lunch – Ham Biscuits, Macaroni Salad, Deviled Eggs, Fruit, Desserts

April 3 – Rev. Willis Logan, Fincastle Episcopal Church

                          Lunch – Vegetable Soup, Sausage Corn Chowder, Grilled Cheese

                                         Sandwiches, Fruit, Desserts

April 10 – Rev. Fr. Stephen McNally, Church of the Transfiguration, Fincastle

      Lunch – Chef Salad, Jello Salads, Desserts                    

The lunch menus are subject to change.  If Botetourt County Public Schools are closed because of inclement weather, the service will be canceled.

Everyone is invited to attend these services during the season of Lent.

–submitted by Susan Martin, FUMC Lenten Lunch Committee. Photo by Julie Baker, Easter sunrise 2015