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Organizational committee meeting for Botetourt’s 250th anniversary celebration

2020 is the 250th anniversary year!

The four co-chairs for Botetourt County’s 250th Anniversary Committee will be holding a meeting to enlist help/support from the many citizens who have expressed interest in playing a major role for the numerous celebrations in our county during 2020. This initial meeting will be on March 2, 2019, at 10:00 A.M. in the Fincastle United Methodist Church Family Life Center. We are looking for groups, churches, town councils, the media, civic organizations, clubs (both youth and adult), schools, artists, musicians, actors, businesses, and individuals to start planning and scheduling activities which can be incorporated with Botetourt County’s 250th Anniversary.

            Questionnaires will be given out to obtain contact and interest-area information so that sub-committees will be quickly formed and work can begin.  We are looking forward to hearing your ideas and finding locations and ways and means to support you. Several events from libraries, historical groups, authors, musicians, artists, and individuals are already in the planning stages:  historical lecture series, genealogy fair, logo design contest, kick-off event Feb. 1, 2020, summer event at the Botetourt County Courthouse, wagon train, and a souvenir publication. The year 2020 will an exciting year for our county.  Spread the word!

Co-Chairs:  Angela Coon, Lois Switzer, Donna Vaughn, Wendy Wingo

Submitted by Donna Vaughn  (520-6478)