Botetourt People: Join to help Joe Sell

Joe Sell is a local mechanic in Troutville who is known by many people and a long-time resident of Botetourt County. His wife Cindy said, “He has had the auto business about 18 years. Joe was working late one night at his shop and had a massive heart attack on Wednesday, 01/09/2019.”
Since then Joe has been in the hospital fighting for his life. And a true fighter he is. After several heart surgeries, he is doing better but is still critical. The fight is long from over.
Cindy said, “Prayers are appreciated.”
Medical care is very expensive and as the days in surgery and ICU are many already, the financial need is there for a man who ran his own business.
Wife Cindy and their three Children ages 13 through 20 are doing everything they can to stay with him and encourage him. Friends and family are heaping support on the Sell family, but a broader reach is needed.
A Go Fund Me account is on Facebook, Join Joe Sell, but now the family has set up a local bank account.
Joe is a 1989 graduate of Lord Botetourt where he was a wrestler. Strength and hard work have been hallmarks of his life. He has been a great family man, friend and a good member of the Botetourt Community and as a small business owner, done his part.
If you can find it in your heart and wallet, please either drop by any branch of The Bank of Fincastle or drop a check in the mail. Make a contribution to this family, so money is not one more worry in their lives during this critical time in his health. The bank account fund is called, “Join to help Joe Sell.” Checks made out to the same can also be mailed to:
Join to help Joe Sell
% The Bank of Fincastle
P.O. Box 107
Fincastle, VA 24090
Thank you in advance for helping from all of his family and those who know and love him.
By Cathy Benson; photo from Cindy Bryant Sell