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Vote on Nov. 6

By now if you have no voted absentee, it is time to head to the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 6, is Election Day for General Elections. The polls are open from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. For more information visit the webpage for the Department of Elections and Voter Registration:

General Election:

US Senate
Corey Stewart R
Timothy Kaine D
Matt Waters  L
Sixth Congressional District, House of Representatives :
Ben Cline R
Jennifer Lewis D
Commonwealth’s Attorney:
John Alexander
Town Elections:
Mayor, Town of Buchanan
Craig S. Bryant
Member Town Council, Buchanan
Vote for not more than Four
James “Jamie” Manspile
Christopher B. Witt
John T. Mays
Brenda L. Noszek
Diane B. Di Palma
Joe V. Di Palma
Nate T. Hansard
Town of Fincastle
Mayor, Town of Fincastle
Vote for One
Mary Bess Smith
Member Town Council, Fincastle
Vote for not more than Three
George W. Sydnor Jr.
Paige Wright Ware
Edward D. Bordett
Town of Troutville
Vote for One
W. David Horton
Member Town Council, Troutville
Vote for not more than Three
H. John Cook Jr.
Patricia M. Shaver
Granville E. Grant
Spurgeon O. Vaughan, Jr
Constitutional Amendments:
Ballot Question: Should a county, city, or town be authorized to provide a partial tax exemption for real property that is subject to
recurrent flooding, if flooding resiliency improvements have been
made on the property?
Ballot Question: Shall the real property tax exemption for a primary residence that is currently provided to the surviving spouses of veterans who had a one hundred percent service-connected, permanent, and total disability be amended to allow the surviving spouse to move to a different primary residence and still claim the exemption?
Virginia law requires all voters to provide an acceptable form of photo identification (photo ID) at the polls. Voters arriving at the polls without photo ID will be required to vote a provisional ballot and will have until noon on the Friday following the election to deliver a copy of identification to their locality’s electoral board in order for their provisional ballot to be counted. Please see below in Provisional Ballot Process for Voters Who Arrive Without Identification for more information on how the provisional ballot process will work for those arriving to the polls without ID.
–State Board of Elections Website