
Fall Snapshot at BCPS on Sept. 30

September 30 is an important day to school divisions. It is the first real look comparing budget numbers to actual state funding of real student membership. This year Botetourt County Public Schools are 23 ahead of the budget passed in Spring for the 2018-19 school year.  The figures were presented at the regular school board meeting on Oct. 11.

Not counting preschool and regional students, the number in attendance for BCPS on Sept. 30, 2018 was 4,528 students. The extra students above the budget amount adds accounting of $108,000 extra dollars for the division.

However, the final tally for state funding comes on March. 31. After that date, funding is set.


–Cathy Benson,  Photo Cathy Benson  “JRHS Day of Service students with FFA sponsor Zach Wakeman and Principal Jamie Talbott, represent the county school division well.”