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Veterans invited to LBHS for Veterans Day assembly Nov. 12

In honor of Veterans Day, Lord Botetourt High School would like to honor our area Veterans. If you are a LBHS alumni or relative of any LBHS student or faculty, we invite you to join us in a Veterans Day assembly on Monday, November 12th. We are asking Veterans to report at 9:00 AM, with the assembly to being at approximately 9:30. There will be a breakfast to follow. Please RSVP online at , through email to Julie Burton at, or by phone to LBHS at (540)992-1261.

Also, any Veteran that is a LBHS alumni or relative of any LBHS students or faculty is encouraged to bring, drop off, or send a 8×10 or smaller photo of yourself (in uniform or not) with your name on the back to be displayed in honor of your service by Tuesday, November 5th. If you would like your photo returned, please mark a contact name of a current student or a return address on the back as well. If you submitted your picture last year, we have a copy on file, and you do not need to resubmit it this year. If you have any questions, please contact Julie Burton at or (540)992-1261.

–submitted by Julie Burton