CommunityLocal Government

Fincastle Boundary adjustment is moving smoothly

In May Judge Joel Banscom approved the Fincastle Boundary adjustment after months of meetings and informational meetings held by the Town.  “A few months later, little has changed,” noted Fincastle Town Manager David Tickner. Fincastle now gets the income from business licenses and revenue from meals tax.  Also a vehicle tax will be accessed as well, but mostly life is the same, though territory increased.

No one has run for office in the new adjusted area, but likely an appointee will come to fill the spot on town council vacated by Bob Jones. Community meetings in the fall will continue to help those now in the town know more about the process of living in an incorporated town. Tickner said, ” We want people to know about the comprehensive plan for instance.”

Water service overseen by Western Virginia Water Authority at the town water plant just north on Botetourt Rd, has been a primary reason for the adjustment and continues to work smoothly in all areas, he said. Future growth can be managed better as well for the historic county seat. So far, the situation has been a win-win. After a council member is elected from the new area, discussions involving planning and zoning will likely come to council.

The additional territory will allow Fincastle to expand commercial growth as well. Dollar General is now in the Town after the adjustment for instance, but future development will come before town planners as well as town council.

Until the next phase, Tickner believes it is best to keep all of the town informed and also to assist those newly brought into by the boundary adjustment. So far, so good in the newly expanded Town of Fincastle.