
Photography classes at Dabney Lancaster announced

Dabney S. Lancaster Community College has scheduled four non-credit Digital Photography courses this semester at the DSLCC Rockbridge Regional Center in Buena Vista with professional photographer Chuck Almarez, owner of “Fire and Light Gallery” in Clifton Forge, as the instructor. All classes will meet from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.  The four classes are  Nuts and Bolts of Digital Photography,  Camera Phone Magic, Adobe Lightroom Orientation, Intro to Adobe Lightroom.

For dates, times, fees and costs, contact:

To register, contact Robin Jennings, DSLCC Workforce Solutions and Community Education, at (540) 863-2899 or Registration is also available online at  Students who register for the entire Digital Photography Series receive a 30 percent discount on the tuition cost.

 For more information about these courses, contact Almarez at               The DSLCC Rockbridge Regional Center is located at 35 Vista Links Drive, Buena Vista.

–submitted by Judy Clark